Florin factory complex in Szeged ceremoniously inaugurated

The Thursday inauguration ceremony of the Florin Zrt. factory complex in Szeged was an important milestone in the completion of the Hungarian Multi Program.

The investment has created an internationally competitive, modern production capacity, capable of supplying the domestic market as well as large export orders. 

At Florin, most of the improvements were already in place, but until recently the epidemic gave them so much work, the demand for the hand sanitiser was so great that they were too busy to hand over the factory.

Florin in Szeged is one of the largest domestically owned household chemical companies in the country,” said Attila Barta.

The company manager stressed that the date of inauguration has been set up several times, but sometimes it has been postponed due to an epidemic, sometimes due to a large order. He said he had taken over Florin in a difficult situation, with production problems and payment difficulties.

How we became a modern manufacturer

There were truckloads of skeletons falling out of the closet, and 10 years ago the monthly operating loss was tens of millions of Hungarian forints,” he said. 

He had the management skills to get the companies back on their feet and knew the importance of training, which always preceded the purchase of new machinery.

In 2019 he received a letter that Florin was selected to participate the Hungarian Multi Program. They also helped with the purchase of machinery and branding, the latter “package” included disinfectants.

When the epidemic struck, there was a huge demand for disinfectant, and then they realised that Florin was the largest disinfectant manufacturer in Hungary. With so many imports, it did not really become apparent until then, but at the beginning of the epidemic, imports stopped.

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) got involved immediately and helped with everything needed to get production up and running. They asked how many months it would take to build a new production hall and it turned out that it could be done in five to six weeks.

However, at this rate, planning was only just ahead of implementation. The production lines were also completed for us very quickly,” recalls the manager.

With the impetus given by the programme, the office building was also modernised, and in the longer term, suppliers were chosen from those who work within the borders. A real-time production tracking system has been set up, but only 70 percent of the site has been renovated, a proper finished goods warehouse is still missing and machinery is still arriving.

László György, Minister of State for Economic Strategy at the ITM, quoting Fleming, the inventor of penicillin, said that luck only visits those who are prepared to receive it.

Florin had a receptive and good team, they took advantage of their luck, since the Hungarian Multi Program was launched before the epidemic. 

The politician also gave a recent and good news, namely that the company will receive 770 million forints of support for the 1.5 billion forints investment in the near future.

All together, the Szeged-based company has already received more than HUF 3 billion forints.

He spoke about the creation of new jobs, in which Florin is leading the way, adding that it is important to secure them. He spoke about the renewed adult education and the support given to those who kept their employees and did not stop investing during the epidemic.

Source: delmagyar.hu

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