The busiest month of the year so far in our company

It’s been a very exciting month, with almost every week in May bringing bringing us something significant.


Right at the beginning of the month, we were immediately thrown into the thick of the action, as the Congress of the Hungarian Hospital Association took place between 8-10 May, where Bradochem Ltd. was represented. The 36th edition of the event was hosted in Mátraháza, where three colleagues from our group presented our latest innovations to the hospital directors and heads of finance.

No sooner had we recovered from the success of the hygiene-themed event than we had a new one. Last year, we were successful in winning the Factory of the Year category, which led to an invitation to the Jubilee Factory of the Year Meetup. At the professional event in Budapest, the Grand Prix winners of last year’s Project Competition presented their winning project; in our case, our Project Manager presented Florin Zrt’s factory modernisation efforts to an audience of professionals.

The second half of May saw a literal succession of exhibitions. From 28 to 29 May, Florin Zrt. export sales representatives represented the company’s services at the most important contract manufacturing exhibition in Amsterdam. During the two days of the international expo, which has a 35-year tradition, the three colleagues contacted sixty potential partners, with whom the first negotiations and quotations have already begun.

In the spirit of the framework, the last days of the month also saw an exhibition, also at a health-related event.The congress organised by the Hungarian Society for Infection Control – which, together with this year’s, was the twenty-second time it has been held for representatives of the hygiene profession – was packed with presentations, giving professionals the opportunity to show each other their latest developments. On this occasion, a symposium was held by the hygiene sales representative of Bradochem Ltd., presenting our most recent products, Bradosanit washcloth, Bradolife 50 ml disinfectant liquid soap and Bradoclear 22 surface disinfectant.

Each of the events we have participated in has helped Florin Zrt. and its related companies to penetrate new target markets with our products and services, and as a result, we expect to expand our network of contacts with more new partners and customers.