Industry 4.0 at Florin: The all-seeing eyes of MES

We are living in an era of intelligent technologies; robots, artificial intelligence, 5G and expanded reality. This is the time of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the so-called Industry 4.0, in which „clever” devices can sense, obtain information, communicate and make decisions.

Bradolife at hand at Agora as well!

More than a hundred company directors and FMCG specialists used the products of Florin for the process of perfect disinfection at the specialist conference that was held at Hotel Gottwald in Tata.

Dermaflora in the international spotlight

Florin took part in one of the Eurasian cosmetic market’s biggest platforms, Beauty Eurasia Exhibition in Istanbul. Being the only Hungarian among Turkish and many foreign experts, our stand acquired significant attention where Rátóti Orsolya and Seres Rózsa welcomed the visitors.