News and blog posts

Cosmoprof 2025 – Florin Continues to Lead on the Global Stage
For the 12th time, Florin proudly participated in one of the world’s largest and most influential beauty industry trade fairs, the Cosmoprof Worldwide Exhibition in

A new era in the Hungarian chemical industry: the Florin automated warehouse base in Szeged was inaugurated
The new automated warehouse of Hungary’s largest Hungarian-owned household chemicals factory was completed and opened in Szeged on Friday. Speaking at Florin’s factory dockyard, Finance

Bradolife disinfectants across Szeged
For years Florin Zrt. has been a cooperating and supporting partner of the two biggest cultural events in Szeged during the summer, which will continue

Professionally about whooping cough
Whooping cough can affect people of any age, but it is most dangerous for babies and pregnant women. But what causes the disease and how

The busiest month of the year so far in our company
It’s been a very exciting month, with almost every week in May bringing bringing us something significant. Right at the beginning of the month,
2023 shall not pass without a „Mentes-M” (All-Free Product) award
The Store Insider magazine and its publisher PPH Media have launched the „Minőségi Mentes” (Quality All-Free) products competition again this year. Out of a record
Dermaflora refill shower gel on the path of green commitment
Florin Zrt.’s product, the Dermaflora Aloe Vera shower gel refill, made it to the finals of this year’s Greengage – green commitment award competition of
A Szeged-based factory became the Factory of the Year
The Szeged-based manufacturer of cosmetics and household chemical products, Florin Zrt., finished first in both categories of this year’s finals of the Factory of the
Florin is building an automated warehouse
The cornerstone of the automated warehouse, which is being implemented with the support of the Magyar Multi program, was laid at the Szeged site of
Rádió88 broadcast its morning show from the Florin factory
The last Friday of April was a special occasion in the life of Florin, as the morning program of Rádió88, Szeged’s most popular radio station,